John Wayne: “Who told you I wanted an actor?”

Born: May 26, 1907 Died: June 11, 1979 One of the phenomenal overnight rises to fame which is the dream of thousands of movie struck youth occurs in making the Fox picture, “The Big Trail,” in the case of John Wayne, the leading man. Cincinnati Enquirer, November 16, 1930 Let’s mosey on back a few … Continue reading John Wayne: “Who told you I wanted an actor?”

Barbra Streisand: “The kookie kid who wore purple lipstick”

Born: April 24, 1942 The greatest singing talent to come along in many a moon is kookie Barbra Streisand. Tampa Bay Times, Florida, April 14, 1963. Streisand was a bit kooky (or kookie), in a delightfully fun way as captured in some of the earliest newspaper stories about the talented newcomer from Turkey or maybe … Continue reading Barbra Streisand: “The kookie kid who wore purple lipstick”

Lucille Ball: “She was saved from possible injury when she was caught by several of the actors”

Born: August 6, 1911 Died: April 26, 1989 Before everyone loved Lucy, Lucille Ball struggled for more than a decade as a Broadway and Hollywood dancer/actor before finally finding fame on television. Here’s how it all began … Seven girls, whose faces are known the country over as models for posters and magazine advertisements, landed … Continue reading Lucille Ball: “She was saved from possible injury when she was caught by several of the actors”

Johnny Carson: “I didn’t have time to be nervous”

Born: October 23, 1925 Died: October 23, 2005 Johnny Carson has climbed to the top of a high mountain, and he stands at the edge, a man looking, with some justifiable apprehension, to the deep precipice below. Johnny Carson replaces Jack Paar as the permanent host on NBC-TV’s Tonight show, beginning Monday, Oct. 1 (11:30 … Continue reading Johnny Carson: “I didn’t have time to be nervous”

Rolling Stones: “It can’t be long before they’re challenging the Beatles”

Decca [a record company] … think they have an answer to the Liverpool boys who record for Columbia and Parlophone. They are pledging their faith in a London group, The Rolling Stones. Herald Express, Torquay, England, June 7, 1963 From the start, the press played up the rivalry between the Liverpool-based Beatles and the London-based … Continue reading Rolling Stones: “It can’t be long before they’re challenging the Beatles”

John Wilkes Booth: “He was regarded as a trifle crazy”

Born: May 10, 1838 Died: April 26, 1865 I’m watching Manhunt (on AppleTV), the story of the assassination of President Lincoln and the manhunt for John Wilkes Booth … and decided to add Booth to my growing list of posts. Booth was the son of Junius Brutus Booth, a well-known British Shakespearean actor. Junius Brutus … Continue reading John Wilkes Booth: “He was regarded as a trifle crazy”

Ella Fitzgerald: “Can warble to beat the birds”

Born: April 25, 1917 Died: June 15, 1996 NEW ORLEANS – Gasping for breath, Ella Fitzgerald the “first lady” of swing,” emerged from her dance engagement at the New Rhythm Club here last week with her clothes tattered and torn as 4,000 frenzied patrons grappled with her for autographs. Approximately 2,500 on the outside, unable … Continue reading Ella Fitzgerald: “Can warble to beat the birds”

Charlie Chaplin: “His original ambition was to play tragedy”

Born: April 16, 1889 Died: December 25, 1977 Charlie Chaplin is known all over the world as the funniest man that ever appeared on a picture screen … You can never tell what new funny stunt he is going to do. Norwich Bulletin, Norwich, Connecticut, December 19, 1914 This wasn’t true at the start of … Continue reading Charlie Chaplin: “His original ambition was to play tragedy”

Ty Cobb: “Seiver’s face was a mass of bruises”

Born: December 18, 1886 Died: July 17, 1961 Just days before Ty Cobb began slashing hits and stealing bases at a sensational, record-setting pace, his parents back home in Royston, Georgia made the news in the most tragic of ways: Amanda Cobb shot and killed her husband, William Herschel Cobb. The shooting of Professor Cobb … Continue reading Ty Cobb: “Seiver’s face was a mass of bruises”

Bill Russell: “His interpretation of the Charleston is just about the best ever seen”

Born: February 12, 1934 Died: July 31, 2022 Bill Russell was a superstar basketball player in high school, right? Nope. Not even close … Coach George Powles’ defending champion McClymonds [High School] squad won all six of its practice games, including an impressive win over the University of California freshman. Four lettermen grace the starting … Continue reading Bill Russell: “His interpretation of the Charleston is just about the best ever seen”