Barbra Streisand: “The kookie kid who wore purple lipstick”

Born: April 24, 1942 The greatest singing talent to come along in many a moon is kookie Barbra Streisand. Tampa Bay Times, Florida, April 14, 1963. Streisand was a bit kooky (or kookie), in a delightfully fun way as captured in some of the earliest newspaper stories about the talented newcomer from Turkey or maybe … Continue reading Barbra Streisand: “The kookie kid who wore purple lipstick”

Lucille Ball: “She was saved from possible injury when she was caught by several of the actors”

Born: August 6, 1911 Died: April 26, 1989 Before everyone loved Lucy, Lucille Ball struggled for more than a decade as a Broadway and Hollywood dancer/actor before finally finding fame on television. Here’s how it all began … Seven girls, whose faces are known the country over as models for posters and magazine advertisements, landed … Continue reading Lucille Ball: “She was saved from possible injury when she was caught by several of the actors”

Johnny Carson: “I didn’t have time to be nervous”

Born: October 23, 1925 Died: October 23, 2005 Johnny Carson has climbed to the top of a high mountain, and he stands at the edge, a man looking, with some justifiable apprehension, to the deep precipice below. Johnny Carson replaces Jack Paar as the permanent host on NBC-TV’s Tonight show, beginning Monday, Oct. 1 (11:30 … Continue reading Johnny Carson: “I didn’t have time to be nervous”

Rolling Stones: “It can’t be long before they’re challenging the Beatles”

Decca [a record company] … think they have an answer to the Liverpool boys who record for Columbia and Parlophone. They are pledging their faith in a London group, The Rolling Stones. Herald Express, Torquay, England, June 7, 1963 From the start, the press played up the rivalry between the Liverpool-based Beatles and the London-based … Continue reading Rolling Stones: “It can’t be long before they’re challenging the Beatles”